New Publication: ‘Lewin on Trusts’, First Supplement to the 20th Edition

We’re delighted to present the highly anticipated First Supplement to the 20th Edition of ‘Lewin on Trusts’ prepared by Lynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin KC and Master Brightwell.
This supplement comprehensively covers the many recent developments in the law of trusts which have occurred at home and abroad, including:
- Principles concerning indemnity of trustees and former trustees, particularly in relation to ‘insolvent’ trusts
- Developments concerning settlor control over trusts and reserved powers
- Limitations on exercise of powers of amendment and other powers, having regard to the evolution of the established law on ‘fraud on the power’ into a set of principles formulated in Grand View Private Trust Co. Ltd v Wong (2022) concerning the purposes for which a trust is established
- Rival views in offshore jurisdictions about the role of a protector in giving consent to the exercise of powers by trustees
- Disclosure by trustees in litigation, including disclosure by them as third parties
- The continuing developments in the law concerning knowing receipt and the proprietary remedy
- What is left of the reflective loss principle in relation to trusts after the decision of the Supreme Court in Marex Financial Ltd v Sevilleja (2020)
- The impact of implementation of Brexit on trusts, especially in the context of jurisdiction and data protection
- Developments in regulation of trusts, including registration of overseas entities
To learn more or secure a hardbook or eCopy of the mainwork and/or the supplement see below.
Save the date for the upcoming Lewin Conference 2024
Join us for our annual Lewin Conference, taking place on Tuesday 18 June at The Law Society.
Stay tuned for updates on ticket sales and the exciting line-up and programme we’ve planned for the conference. Watch this space for more information!