We are pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for our annual Lewin Conference, to be held on Wednesday 19 June 2024 at The Law Society in London, presented by Lynton Tucker and Nicholas Le Poidevin KC, editors of Lewin on Trusts. The event will be followed by a drinks reception and book launch.
One of our three flagship annual conferences, the Lewin Conference celebrates Lewin, New Square Chambers’ seminal work, now in its 20th edition, complemented by a recently published 1st supplement. It is considered the leading publication on trusts by the UK’s most distinguished practitioners and academics.
This year’s conference focuses on recent decisions. It features our guest speaker HH Hazel Marshall KC, Lt Bailiff of Guernsey and for the first time includes panel discussions between members of Chambers. Attendees will also explore an illustrative problem case for examination.
Registration is from 1:30pm, with the conference starting promptly at 2:00pm. Refreshments will be available throughout and there will be drinks and bowl food from 5:15pm until the event closes at 7:30pm.
We hope you can join us.
For booking enquiries and group discount information, please contact events@newsquarechambers.co.uk.
The first supplement to the 20th edition of Lewin on Trusts published in December 2023.
For a 15% discount, use code LEWINTRU at checkout on purchases of both the mainwork and supplement, and print and eBook versions. The discount will run until July 3rd 2024.
For more information and to order your copy in print or as a ProView eBook, see below. You can also place an order with or send queries to David Dooley at david.dooley@thomsonreuters.com
Lewin 20th edition, 1st supplement – Paperback
Lewin 20th edition, 1st supplement – ProView eBook
Lewin 20th edition, 1st supplement – Paperback & ProView eBook bundle
See here for a free 7 day trial to Lewin on the ProView eBook platform.
1:30 – Registration
2:00-2:05 – Welcome & introduction
Lynton Tucker, chair
2:05-2:35 – Opening the files: trust disclosure and recent decisions
Guest speaker: HH Hazel Marshall KC, Lt Bailiff of Guernsey
2:35-3:10 – Panel discussion: Removal of trustees by the court – recent decisions
Lynton Tucker, chair; Mark Hubbard; and William Hopkin
3:10-3:45 – Panel discussion: Conducting disputes – recent decisions
Nicholas Le Poidevin KC, chair; Aidan Briggs; James Saunders; and Laura Webster
3:45-4:15 – Break
4:15-5:15 – Interactive session – self-dealing – two party rule – multiple trusts
Alexander Learmonth KC
5:15-7:30 – Post-conference drinks reception & Lewin on Trusts, 20th Ed. 1st Supplement book launch
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