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Will Hopkin elected to the Executive Commission of the Charity Law Association

July 3, 2023 | News
Will Hopkin elected to the Executive Commission of the Charity Law Association

We are pleased to announce that Will Hopkin has been elected to the prestigious Executive Committee of the Charity Law Association (CLA). The CLA, a distinguished organization with approximately 1,000 members, primarily comprising lawyers with a keen focus on charitable matters, also includes esteemed academics and in-house legal experts.

With his prior experience as co-chair of the CLA’s annual conference, Will is enthusiastic about furthering the advancement and protection of charity law. These efforts come at a crucial time, as charities face challenges concerning their independence, evolving regulatory practices, and political interference.

For any inquiries or discussions related to charitable issues, please feel free to reach out to Will.

Practice area: Charities; Trusts, Wills & Estates

Webinar: A Dangerous Time – Charity, The State & Big Business – New Square Chambers

Just a reminder that Chambers’ next charities webinar will be on Thursday 20 July, 11am-12pm, with Will in discussion with Mary Synge, author and charity academic, making the launch of her new book ‘The University-Charity’.

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