
Webinar: The Right To Manage (Part 1)

December 15, 2022

The Right To Manage: A guide to the 2002 Act and common mistakes to avoid or exploit

Our speakers Stuart Armstrong and Millie Rai explore the topic of “The Right To Manage”. Many leaseholders are interested in acquiring the right to manage their blocks of flats. By the same token, many landlords are equally keen to prevent this happening. In this webinar Stuart and Millie will examine key issues and concepts under the 2002 Act, explore various complications which may arise in practice and identify how potential pitfalls can be avoided or exploited.

Many leaseholders are interested in acquiring the right to manage their blocks of flats. By the same token, many landlords are equally keen to prevent this happening. In this webinar Stuart and Millie will examine key issues and concepts under the 2002 Act, explore various complications which may arise in practice and identify how potential pitfalls can be avoided or exploited.

The focus of this webinar will be on whether the right to manage can be acquired in any given case and, if so, the procedure to be adopted. A subsequent webinar will focus on difficulties which may arise after a RTM company has acquired the right to manage and the rights and remedies available to the company, the leaseholders and landlords.

This webinar will look at the following:

  • A brief overview of the Right to Manage
  • Premises to which the Act applies including:
    • The type of building
    • Classification of residential and non-residential areas
  • The meaning of qualifying tenants under the Act, including
  • The process to be followed including:
    • Notices of invitation to participate
    • Membership requirements
    • Claim notices
    • Counter-notices
  • Applications to the First-tier Tribunal

Specific issues which will be considered include:

The 25% non-residential exception – how certain small areas (such as balconies, parking spaces and other facilities) can make the difference in borderline cases.

The thorny issues posed by “live-work” units.



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