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Simon Adamyk successfully represents Hampshire County Council in resisting applications to amend register of common land

July 20, 2023 | Cases
Simon Adamyk successfully represents Hampshire County Council in resisting applications to amend register of common land

Facts: Simon Adamyk, instructed by Hampshire County Council as Commons Registration Authority, was successful in having two applications to amend the register of common land refused.  The applications concerned various areas of Broxhead Common in Hampshire: the Baigents Hill area and the Picketts Hill area.  The applications were made under section 19(2)(a) of the Commons Act 2006 and were made to correct an alleged mistake by the Commons Registration Authority in making or amending an entry in the register of common land. The applications involved looking at the 45 year history of the initial registration of neighbouring land as common land and various related applications, High Court proceedings and Court of Appeal proceedings since then.  The Inspector heard submissions over two days and refused both applications.

Practice Area: Property

Practice areas: Property
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