

"*" indicates required fields

When would you like to commence your mini-pupillage?
Correspondence address*


Secondary school(s) attended, number of GCSEs or equivalent at each grade.
Secondary school(s) attended, A-Levels studies or equivalent at each grade.
University attended and degree(s) obtained, including subject and class of degree. If a Law degree, please provide a breakdown of results where available.
Subjects studied as part of Qualifying Law Degree, GDL or equivalent (if applicable) including results where available.
BPTC (if applicable), including results where available.


Please set out below details of other mini-pupillages and other relevant work experience, voluntary work, and any other skills, including languages. Include details of any advocacy work experience here.
Please explain, in no more than 200 words, what you hope to achieve from a career at the Chancery Bar.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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