
NSC Pupillage Open Evening 2023

November 28, 2023, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

New Square Chambers’ annual in-person and virtual pupillage open evening returns for 2023. Sign up for an evening of informal, “off-the-record” discussion about pupillage at New Square, and a career at the Chancery Bar.

Our panellists will be covering everything you need to know about pupillage at New Square Chambers and sharing their top tips for commercial chancery applications, including:

  • Top 5 common mistakes in the pupillage process
  • How to stand out in the paper sift
  • What to expect from life as a pupil and new tenant at New Square
  • Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

The open evening is free to attend, but please note that in-person* spaces are limited, so book early. To register your attendance, please visit:


Please include any requests for reasonable adjustments and specify whether you wish to attend in person* or remotely. Virtual attendance is available via Zoom (registration required).

*There is now a waitlist for in-person attendance. Virtual spaces are still available.

Further info

Applications from female, ethnic minority backgrounds, disabled, and socially mobile prospective pupillage applicants are encouraged.

Click to read more about our pupillage programme or sign up for our pupillage event mailing list.


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