
MBL Seminars: A Bite-Sized Guide to Claims by Adult Children under the 1975 Act

September 26, 2023

It is often said that adult children are the weakest category of claimant under the Inheritance Act.

However, in a growing number of cases, adult children have not only succeeded, but received substantial awards.

Is it time to take these claims more seriously?

Further info

This short webinar will consider the old ‘moral claim’ requirement and how that has been affected by Ilott v Mitson, before analysing recent case-law and providing practical guidance for those bringing and defending adult child claims.


This webinar will cover the following:

  • The definition of an adult child claimant
  • The need for a ‘moral claim’ and a summary of the law pre-Ilott v Mitson
  • The effect of Ilott v Mitson, the most famous adult child case of all
  • Key recent cases – the failures, the successes, and whether the courts are now more sympathetic to the plight of the adult child
  • Practical tips for claimants – what makes a good claim and how to make the most of a bad one
  • Practical tips for defendants – when to settle and when to fight

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