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Dr. Sarah Egan’s case notes on Kettridge v Adams & ors. [2024] WTLR 979

January 30, 2025 | Cases
Dr. Sarah Egan’s case notes on Kettridge v Adams & ors. [2024] WTLR 979

Dr. Sarah Egan has penned a case note of the Judgment in Kettridge v Adams & ors. [2024] WTLR 979, reported in Autumn 2024, in which she represented the successful Claimant cohabitee who was awarded reasonable financial provision and costs on the indemnity basis in an Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 Claim.  The Judgment provides useful guidance on the approach of the Court to the issue of standing in cohabitee claims.

The case notes are available below.

Download the case notes


Practice areas: Trusts, Wills & Estates
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