Clerks & Administration
  • Overview

    Nathan began his clerking career in 2006. Having clerked at three of the country’s leading chancery commercial sets, he joined New Square Chambers in July 2019 and was promoted to Deputy Senior Clerk in October 2022.

    Nathan’s key responsibilities include, diary management, negotiating fees, practice development, and the building and maintaining of client relationships.

    In addition to assisting the Senior Clerk in overseeing the smooth running of the clerks room, and in monitoring and maintaining client service levels, Nathan also plays an important role in the strategising of New Square Chambers’ business development and marketing trajectory, which includes participating in events and initiatives throughout the country and abroad.

    He has completed the Bar Council Public Access course and received a distinction in BTEC Advanced Award in Chambers Administration.

    Nathan is also a member of the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks.

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